Original Research (Published online: 23-Dec-2019)
1. Two β-lactamics resistance genes detection in nosocomial bacteria of veterinary interestArros M, Jara MA, Mosnaim AD and Navarro C
J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):01-27
Abstract PDFOriginal Research (Published online: 26-Dec-2019)
2. Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction for the detection of tetracycline resistance genes in nosocomial bacteriaCarrasco D, Jara MA and Navarro C
J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):28-44
Abstract PDFOriginal Research (Published online: 26-Dec-2019)
3. Evaluation of various biochemical parameters to Nitrazepam, Pentothal sodium and Ketamine anaesthesia in selected freshwater fishesAcharya MK, Gurjar ML and Meshram BN
J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):45-50
Abstract PDF