
Original research (Published On: 26-Dec-2019)

Evaluation of various biochemical parameters to Nitrazepam, Pentothal sodium and Ketamine anaesthesia in selected freshwater fishes

M.K. Acharya, Balwant N. Meshram and Meetha Lal Gurjer

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):45-50

M.K. Acharya: College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Navania, Udaipur

Balwant N. Meshram: College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Navania, Udaipur

Meetha Lal Gurjer: College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Navania, Udaipur

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Article History: Received on: 20-Nov-19, Accepted on: 23-Dec-19, Published on: 26-Dec-19

Corresponding Author: M.K. Acharya


Citation: Acharya MK, Gurjar ML and Meshram BN (2019). Evaluation of various biochemical parameters to Nitrazepam, Pentothal sodium and Ketamine anaesthesia in selected freshwater fishes. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):45-50


Aim: The study was aimed to ensure the suitability of three anaesthetics viz. Nitrazepam, Pentothal sodium and Ketamine in selected freshwater fishes.

Method and Materials: Calculation of appropriate doses for specific anaesthetics for a particular fish species and selected biochemical parameters were estimated for assessing probable impact of anaesthetic. The anaesthetic agents, Nitrazepam, Pentothal sodium and Ketamine, have been screened for the first time on two economically important fishes viz. Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala.

Results: The doses of anaesthetics employed did not cause any adverse effect on biochemical constitution of fish as evident from the analysis of selected blood and muscle parameters.

Conclusion: It was concluded that Nitrazepam, Pentothal sodium and Ketamine agents with used doses in Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala fishes found safe and effective.


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