You must appropriately cite any studies relevant to your work in your manuscript.
If you are quoting text from another publication, even if it is your own, you must cite the source and put the words into quotation marks unless they are paraphrased (i.e. put into your own words).
You must not submit your manuscript to more than one journal at the same time.
You must not submit your manuscript to a new journal while waiting for a decision from the first journal you have submitted to.
Manuscripts describing any experimental research on animals should include a statement of approval by the Ethical Committee of the institute where the work was done, mentioning that the study was carried out according to the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority. Before papers describing animal studies are accepted for publication in the Journal of Agricultural Research Advances, the authors must convince the editors that the work conformed to appropriate ethical standards. The care and use of experimental animals should comply with animal welfare guidelines and policies.
You must clearly identify any chemicals, procedures, or equipment used that have any hazards inherent in their use.
If you have personal or other relationships that might constitute a competing interest relating to the work described in the manuscript, you must declare this.
To qualify as an author an individual needs to contribute substantially to study conception, study design, data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation. He/she should agree to be listed as an author on the manuscript and approve the version to be submitted to the journal and the final version to be published.
Ethical guidelines for reviewers:
Keep manuscript and review details secret.
Not use information obtained during the peer-review process for themselves or other persons.
Not allow their reviews to be influenced by the nationality, religious or political beliefs, or by commercial considerations.
Be objective and constructive in their reviews.
Respond in a reasonable time-frame, only agree to review a manuscript if they can return a review within the proposed time-frame, informing the journal promptly if they require an extension.
Review again any manuscript they have previously reviewed for another journal as it may have changed between the two submissions.
In the case of double-blind review, if they suspect the identity of the author(s) notify the journal if this knowledge raises any potential conflict of interest.
Notify the journal immediately if they have concerns about ethical aspects of the work, are aware of substantial similarity between the manuscript and a concurrent submission to another journal or a published article; reviewers should, however, keep their concerns secret and not personally investigate more unless the journal asks for further information or advice.
Not contact the authors directly without the permission of the journal.
Provide evidence with appropriate references to substantiate general statements such as, ‘this work has been done before’, to help editors in their evaluation and decision and in fairness to the authors.
Not attempt to rewrite the paper to their own preferred style if it is basically sound and clear; suggestions for changes that improve clarity are, however, important.
Try to accommodate requests from journals to review revisions or resubmissions of manuscripts they have reviewed.
Ethical guidelines for editors:
Plagiarism is globally recognized as a serious academic offence. As part of our commitment to the protection and enhancement of the peer review process, editors assist the scientific community in all aspects of publishing ethics, especially in cases of (suspected) duplicate submission or plagiarism.
That information pertaining manuscripts are kept confidential.
Authors should state any potential conflicts of interest at the time of submission of the manuscript. Such information will not alter established editorial and review policies but will assist the editorial staff in avoiding any potential conflicts that could give the appearance of a biased review.
All manuscripts are evaluated in fairness based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry nor political values of authors
Editor in Chief takes responsibility for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal editorial board and copyright infringement.