C. Navarro, M. Arros, M.A. Jara and A.D. Mosnaim
J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):01-27
C. Navarro: Department of Preventive Animal Medicine, University of Chile
M. Arros: Department of Preventive Animal Medicine, FAVET, University of Chile
M.A. Jara: Department of Preventive Animal Medicine, FAVET, University of Chile
A.D. Mosnaim: Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, NY. USA
Article History: Received on: 16-Oct-19, Accepted on: 07-Dec-19, Published on: 23-Dec-19
Corresponding Author: C. Navarro
Email: canavarr@uchile.cl
Citation: Arros M, Jara MA, Mosnaim AD and Navarro C (2019). Two β-lactamics resistance genes detection in nosocomial bacteria of veterinary interest. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 01 (01):01-27
Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze samples and identify the most
frequent genes that conferred resistance to the beta-lactam antimicrobials
(ampicillin and methicillin).
Method and
Materials: Sixty-seven samples were collected between
2007 and 2008 from clinical veterinary centers of the University of Chile and
analysed through a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.
Results: Amplification by PCR detected DNA fragments from the blaTEM gene in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Also the mecA gene was detected in Gram-positive bacteria.
Conclusion: These findings argue that a high number of bacteria express these genes, which should generate great concern to those responsible for the veterinary hospital locations of the University of Chile. Furthermore, as a preventive measure many efforts should be made in order to solve this problem.
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