
Short Communication (Published On: 01-May-2020)

Surgical management of ventral abdominal hernia in a royal palm turkey hen

A. A. Haruna, D. L. Mohzo, M. K. Adam, U. G. Yusuf and P. B. Bokko

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 02 (01):01-04

A. A. Haruna: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

D. L. Mohzo: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

M. K. Adam: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

U. G. Yusuf: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

P. B. Bokko: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

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Article History: Received on: 17-Feb-20, Accepted on: 23-Apr-20, Published on: 01-May-20

Corresponding Author: A. A. Haruna


Citation: Haruna AA, Mohzo DL, Adam MK, Yusuf UG and Bokko PB (2020). Surgical management of ventral abdominal hernia in a royal palm turkey hen. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 02 (01):01-04


Abdominal hernias in birds are often not clearly defined but have been described as a separation of aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles of the ventral midline. This clinical case report describes the management of an acquired ventral abdominal hernia in a two-year-old Royal Palm Turkey (Hen) presented to the University of Maiduguri Veterinary Teaching Hospital with a month old fluctuant swelling at cloacal region. On examination, there was an oval, painless, reducible swelling about 10 cm ventrolateral to the cloaca behind the left thigh in the abdominal region. The turkey hen was apparently healthy on presentation. Following proper restraint on dorsal recumbence and local anaesthetic infiltration, the hernia was surgically reduced and the content returned to the abdominal cavity.  A standard three-layer closure with a Ford interlocking suture pattern was applied to the abdominal muscles using DEXON® Polyglycolic acid (PGA) of size 2-0. A subcuticular suture pattern was applied beneath the skin using absorbable PGA of size 3-0 and the skin sutured with silk material of size 3-0 employing a simple interrupted suture pattern. The procedure was safe and uncomplicated and the approach can be recommended as a curative method for repair of abdominal hernias in birds. The Turkey was recovered uneventfully without any complication throughout the 3 weeks follow up period.


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