
Short Communication (Published On: 11-May-2022)

Surgical management of crop fistula in gray parrots

Saroj Kumar Yadav, MS Pallab and BC Das

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 04 (01):13-14

Saroj Kumar Yadav: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh

MS Pallab: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh

BC Das: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh

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Article History: Received on: 31-Jan-22, Accepted on: 07-May-22, Published on: 11-May-22

Corresponding Author: Saroj Kumar Yadav


Citation: Yadav SK, Pallab MS and Das BC (2022). Surgical management of crop fistula in gray parrots. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 04 (01):13-14


Crop fistula occurs commonly in Psittacine birds which might be due to accident, chronic irritation and feeding of hot food. Two African grey parrots were presented with a history of oozed out of food material from the crop region for the past five days. Physical examination revealed crop fistula and crop contents coming out through the fistulas opening. The wound was noticed at neck region and pain evinced on palpation. The site was prepared and procedure was performed under 1% lidocaine anesthesia. Fistula was repaired using catgut suture material 3/0 by continuous pattern and skin was closed with an interrupted pattern. Cefexim drop at the dose rate 20 mg/kg body weight and Inj. Meloxicam was administered intramuscularly at the dose rate of 0.2mg/kg body weight, postoperatively. The bird showed an uneventful recovery after 15 days.


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