
Short Communication (Published On: 15-Dec-2021)

Surgical and chemo-therapeutic management of canine papilloma

A. A. Haruna

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 03 (02):21-23

A. A. Haruna: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

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Article History: Received on: 10-Oct-21, Accepted on: 08-Dec-21, Published on: 15-Dec-21

Corresponding Author: A. A. Haruna


Citation: Haruna AA, Mutah AA, Mana HP, Nnadi OD, Ezema KU, Yoksa DT, Mohzo DL and Bokko PB (2021). Surgical and chemo-therapeutic management of canine papilloma. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 03 (02):21-23


A six month-old canine of Nigerian indigenous breed was presented with several cauliflowers like growths on the mucous membrane of the lateral commissures of the mouth. Such growth was also present on the dorsal and ventral areas of the tongue. These growths were greyish-white in colour and were diagnosed as canine papilloma upon clinical and laboratory investigations. Surgery and chemotherapeutic management with electric thermo-cauterizer/potassium permanganate and 5-flouracil proved effective. Histopathological sections stained with H&E revealed a diffuse exophytic growths with perinuclear vacuolization, hyperkeratosis and ballooning degeneration of Keratinocytes. Findings were suggestive of oral papilloma.


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