
Original research (Published On: 27-Jun-2024)

Occurrence of nematodes in Intestine of local chicken (Gallus gallus) and Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) in Misurata, Libya

layla Omran Elmajdoub, Kholoud Omran Emshiheet and Fatma M M Abushiba

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):53-58

layla Omran Elmajdoub: Zoology Department/ Science collage / Misurata University

Kholoud Omran Emshiheet: Zoology Department, Science College, Misurata University

Fatma M M Abushiba: Zoology Department, Science College, Misurata University

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Article History: Received on: 23-Jan-24, Accepted on: 15-Jun-24, Published on: 27-Jun-24

Corresponding Author: layla Omran Elmajdoub


Citation: Emshiheet KA, Elmajdoub LO, Abushiba FM, Elzwawy SE, Abusahal MM and Alagme RS (2024). Occurrence of nematodes in Intestine of local chicken (Gallus gallus) and Pigeon (Columba livia domestica) in Misurata, Libya. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):53-58


Aim: The study aimed to investigate the prevalence rate and describe the morphological features of nematode helminths in domestic pigeons and local chickens obtained from local markets in Misurata, Libya.

Method and materials:  A total of 51 domestic pigeons and 100 local chickens were examined for nematode helminths. The study found that the overall prevalence of nematode infection was 39.5% in domestic pigeons and 32% in local chickens, with slightly significant differences between the two groups.

Results: Four nematode helminth species were identified in local chickens and pigeons: Heterakis spp, Heterakis gallinarum, Ascaridia galli, and Capilliaria columbae. However, it was observed that Heterakis spp and Heterakis gallinarum only infected female chickens, while Capilliaria infected pigeons.

Conclusion: It was concluded that the prevalence of these parasites may vary due to seasonal or climatic changes that affect the abundance of specific invertebrate hosts.


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