Parés-Casanova PM, Gambo BG and Olopade JO
J. Vet. Res. Adv., 04 (02):18-23
Parés-Casanova PM: University of Lleida, Spain
Gambo BG: University of Maiduguri, Nigeria
Olopade JO: University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Article History: Received on: 25-May-22, Accepted on: 30-Sep-22, Published on: 06-Oct-22
Corresponding Author: Parés-Casanova PM
Citation: Parés-Casanova PM, Gambo BG and Olopade JO (2022). Modular cephalic differences among European and African taurine cattle. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 04 (02):18-23
Aim: The study was aimed to study integration and modularity and specifically addressing two different shaped skull changes associated to different taurine groups and skull modules involvement
Method and materials: It was studied 46 skulls by
applying 2D geometric morphometrics methods. Skulls belonged to adult
individuals classified into three geographical groups (Occidental Europe n=30,
Oriental Europe n=6 and African n=10), although this research does not intend
to classify breeds on a phylogenetical point of view, but rather consider anatomical
changes among bovine domestic populations from different geographical areas.
The original data-size corrected data was analysed with a two discrete modules
hypothesis: neurocranium (“braincase”) and splanchnocranium (“face”).
Results: A clear modularity in skull was seen, being the shape changes more clearly associated with neurocranium, which discriminated better all three groups. These results showed that skull morphometry can separate cattle geographical groups from each other to a great extent and mainly based on neurocranium features.
Conclusion: It was
concluded that the neurocranium and the splanchnocranium represent
separated modules were confirmed by the different biological information they
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