
Original research (Published On: 30-Oct-2022)

Major cause and economic impact of organ condemnation in slaughtered camels at jigjiga municipal abattoir, eastrern Ethiopia

Adugna Chalchisa and Fekadu Gutema Wegi

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 04 (02):26-34

Adugna Chalchisa: Haramaya University

Fekadu Gutema Wegi: Holeta Research Center

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Article History: Received on: 05-Jun-22, Accepted on: 10-Oct-22, Published on: 30-Oct-22

Corresponding Author: Adugna Chalchisa


Citation: Chalchisa A and Gutema F (2022). Major cause and economic impact of organ condemnation in slaughtered camels at jigjiga municipal abattoir, eastrern Ethiopia. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 04 (02):26-34


Aim: The study study was conducted to determine the major causes of carcass condemnation, rate of organs condemned and economic loss in camels slaughtered in Jigjiga municipal abattoir of Jigjiga region.

Method and materials:  A total of 384 camels were slaughtered during the study period and thoroughly examined by following a standardized post-mortem procedure. After evisceration of the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, masseter muscles and carcass, a thorough examination was made by visual, palpation and systematic incisions for the detection of the presence of cysts, adult parasites and other abnormalities.

Results: Diseased conditions or abnormalities found in 250 (65%) and 184 (50%) male and 66 (17.2%) female camels, respectively. Out of total 384 camels slaughtered, 162 (42.2%) lungs, 122 (31.8%) liver, 26 (6.8%) hearts and 8 (2.1%) kidney were condemned. Out of 303 male camels slaughtered, 122 (40.3%) lungs, 86 (28.4%) liver, 15 (5%) hearts and kidney 4(1.3%) were condemned; and of 81 female camels slaughtered, 40(49.4%) lungs, 36(44.4%) livers and 11 (13.6%) hearts and 4(5%) were condemned. The risk factors analysis indicated that body condition and sex were significantly associated with organ condemnation in lungs and livers (P<0.05). The total financial loss calculated in the present study, due only to offal organs (liver, lungs, heart, and kidneys) condemnation, was 270,711.4 ETB /5,228.5 USD/annually.

Conclusion: It was concluded that hydatidosis, marbling appearance of the lung, emphysema, abscessation, cirrhosis, pericarditis, nephritis and calcification were the major causes of organ condemnation in camels slaughtered in Jigjiga municipal abattoir resulting in considerable economical loss in camels production.


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