
Original research (Published On: 30-Jun-2024)

Evaluation of radiographic liver length to 11th thoracic vertebral length ratio in deep chested dog

Shree Ram Karir, Pradeep Kumar, Nazeer Mohammed and Satyaveer Singh

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):63-67

Shree Ram Karir: Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education & Research (PGIVER), Jaipur, India

Pradeep Kumar: Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education & Research (PGIVER), Jaipur, India

Nazeer Mohammed: Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education & Research (PGIVER), Jaipur, India

Satyaveer Singh: Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education & Research (PGIVER), Jaipur, India

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Article History: Received on: 01-Feb-24, Accepted on: 20-Jun-24, Published on: 30-Jun-24

Corresponding Author: Shree Ram Karir


Citation: Karir SR, Pradeep Kumar, Pandey N, Singh S and Mohammed N (2024). Evaluation of radiographic liver length to 11th thoracic vertebral length ratio in deep chested dog. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):63-67


Aim: Main purpose of the study was to evaluate radiographic liver length to 11th thoracic vertebral length ratio for setting up a quantitative index in clinically healthy deep chested dogs.

Method and materials:  A total number of 89 deep chested dogs were examined through computed radiography. One year and above aged dogs of 6 deep chested breed of different body weights were included in the study. A complete computed radiography was done for right lateral (RL) and ventro-dorsal (VD) views in all dogs. The ratio was evaluated according to age, sex, body weight, breed and neutering status.

Results: The ratio of radiographic liver length to T11 vertebrae length was recorded as 6.01±0.12, 6.31±0.24, 6.44±0.22 and 5.96±0.18 in 1-3 year, 3-6 year, 6-9 year and 9-12 year of age group, respectively.  Sex wise ratio 6.05±0.14 in male and 6.13±0.13 female group was measured. Body weight wise ratio was 5.38±0.21, 6.13±0.12, 6.47±0.17, 6.39±0.65 in 10-20 Kg, 20-30 Kg, 30-40 Kg and 40-50 Kg of body weight group, respectively. Breed wise ratio was 6.09±0.13, 6.24±0.21, 5.82±0.29, 6.34±0.2, 6.28±0.44 and 5.6±0.38 in German shepherd, Belgium Shepherd, Dobermann, Golden Retriever, Great Dane and Siberian Husky dog breed, respectively. Neuter status wise ratio was 5.8±0.26 and 6.15±0.1 in castrated or spayed and intact group, respectively.

Conclusion: It was concluded that the ratio of radiographic liver length to T 11 vertebrae length has set as a quantitative index of radiographic liver size in deep chested dogs. The normal radiographic liver length was concluded 6.09 times of T11 vertebrae length in deep chested dogs.


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