
Original research (Published On: 19-Sep-2024)

Effects of wheat bran substitution with spent grain powder on growth performance of pigs (Susscrofa domesticus)

Emile Miegoue

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (02):39-44

Emile Miegoue: Department of Animals Sciences, University of Dschang, Cameroon

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Article History: Received on: 11-May-24, Accepted on: 12-Sep-24, Published on: 19-Sep-24

Corresponding Author: Emile Miegoue


Citation: Miegoue E, Fokom WD, Nya CK, Sitchoma D, Djoumessi TGF, Tasse TG, Mbitkebeyo PR, Etchu KA and Tendonkeng F (2024). Effects of wheat bran substitution with spent grain powder on growth performance of pigs (Susscrofa domesticus). J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (02):39-44


Aim: The study was conducted to improve pig feeding through the use of non-conventional ingredient sources on the substitution of wheat bran by spent grain meal for growth performance of Naima piglets.  

Method and materials: Total 25 piglets of the Naima hybrid breed, aged 75 days with an average weight of 10.36±4.98 kg were randomly assigned to five experimental groups corresponding to treatments T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4 made up of rations containing 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% spent grain meal, respectively, as a substitute for wheat bran in the rations. Feed intake and refusals were measured every morning. Animals were weighed every 7 days for weight performance assessment during 8 weeks.

Results: The results of this study showed an increase in feed consumption over time for all rations. In addition, the significantly highest mean feed consumption was obtained with animals in group T2 (80.88 0.59 kg). The average live weight of pigs recorded with batch T2(26.92±1.80 kg) was comparable to that obtained with batch T1 (25.22±1.56 kg) but significantly higher than the values produced by batches T0 (22.17±2.95 kg), T3 (22.81±1.33 kg) and T4 (22.84±3.04 kg). On the other hand, total gains, average daily gains and feed conversion were not significantly influenced by the rate of incorporation of brewers' spent grain in the rations.

Conclusion: It was concluded that brewers' spent grains are an agro-industrial by-product that can be used as an ingredient in the feed of fattening pigs.


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