Ibrahim Bushara, Kamal EGE and Muna MMA
J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):41-52
Ibrahim Bushara: Department of Animal Production, University of Kordofan, El-Obied, Sudan
Kamal EGE: Department of Animal Production, University of Kordofan, El-Obied, Sudan
Muna MMA: Institute of environmental studies, University of Khartoum, El-Obied, Sudan
Article History: Received on: 18-Nov-23, Accepted on: 28-May-24, Published on: 04-Jun-24
Corresponding Author: Ibrahim Bushara
Email: bushara3030@yahoo.com
Citation: Kamal EGE, Muna MMA and Ibrahim Bushara (2024). Effect of fogging cooling system on physiological and performance characteristics of broiler chicken under tropical hot conditions. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):41-52
Main purpose of the study was
to improve the micro-environment (ambient temperature and relative humidity)
inside traditional open sided broiler housing by using cost effective fogging
fogging cooling system during dry and wet seasons.
and materials: The experiments utilized open-sided poultry
housing (20mx10mx3m) in the research station of animal production in Khartoum
North with partitions inside the house to establish 5 chambers prepared for the
different treatments. A total of 1920
(Ross-308) birds were randomly allocated to the different treatments each
consisted of 384 birds divided into two replicates (192 birds in each).
It showed that house ambient temperature decreased with
increasing fogging cooling system treatments but significant differences were
not obtained. The interaction effect of birds’ age and fogging cooling
treatments showed that could better regulate body temperature with advancement
of age and that the decrease in body temperature was significant (P≤0.05) with
the increase of the fogging cooling treatments, decreases were more prevalent
in wet summer than dry summer.
Conclusion: It was concluded
that traditional farms adopting cost-effective fogging cooling system will
increase their with better life security.
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