
Original research (Published On: 20-May-2024)

Breeding performance of large white pigs in central region of Cameroon

AZAFACK KANA Dorice Stephane, Vemo Bertin Narcisse, Chongsi Margaret Momo and Fonou Tadiesse Lavoisier

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):11-19


Vemo Bertin Narcisse: UNIVERSITY OF BUEA

Chongsi Margaret Momo: UNIVERSITY OF DSCHANG

Fonou Tadiesse Lavoisier: UNIVERSITY OF BUEA

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Article History: Received on: 30-Sep-23, Accepted on: 11-May-24, Published on: 20-May-24

Corresponding Author: AZAFACK KANA Dorice Stephane


Citation: Dorice AK, Herve T, Bertin VN, Momo CM, Lavoisier FT, Ngwasiri NN, Sorelle DN and Ngoula F (2024). Breeding performance of large white pigs in central region of Cameroon. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 06 (01):11-19


Aim: The study was aimed to contribute better understanding of the reproductive performance to improve production of large white pigs in Cameroon.

Method and materials:  Total 40 sows and 09 boars of Large White breeds have been studied from January to May 2022 at the PRO-AER (Professionnels de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage en milieu Rural) farm. For this purpose, the primary and secondary data from the farm's breeding registers were used.

Results: The study indicated that the average age of breeding and gestation period of sows were 246.75 ± 10.15 and 113.85 ± 1.36 days respectively. The average litter size at farrowing was 10.45 ± 2.79 piglets, the average litter size at weaning was 9.63 ± 2.76 piglets for a farrowing mortality rate of low and at weaning of 8.77% and 7.96% respectively. The average weight of piglets at birth was 1.39 ± 0.20 kg and the heaviest piglets were obtained with sows having small litter sizes. Weaning took place at 28.65 ± 1.46 days for an average weaning weight of 7.22 ± 1.47 kg.The different reproductive characteristic values such as sow breeding age and weight, gestation length, litter sizes, mortality rates, weaning time are comparable to those reported by our predecessors in other farm in Cameroon. Breeding weight was positively correlated with breeding age (r = 0.61) and parturition number (r = 0.39). Litter size at farrowing was positively correlated with the number of piglets weaned (r = 0.95).Regarding the factors, only the farrowing rank influenced reproductive performance.

Conclusion: It was concluded that it sufficiently demonstrates compliance with the housing conditions, level of food and sanitary situation inside farm despite all the difficulties encountered on a daily basis for which the means are being put in place for their resolution.


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