
Short Communication (Published On: 05-Jun-2020)

Atresia ani et recti and its surgical correction in local begayit breed lamb

Haben Fesseha

J. Vet. Res. Adv., 02 (01):05-08

Haben Fesseha: School of Veterinary Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia

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Article History: Received on: 04-May-20, Accepted on: 27-May-20, Published on: 05-Jun-20

Corresponding Author: Haben Fesseha


Citation: Haben Fesseha (2020). Atresia ani et recti and its surgical correction in local begayit breed lamb. J. Vet. Res. Adv., 02 (01):05-08


Congenital atresia of intestines in anus and rectum part is a common case reported in newborn calves worldwide. A day-old male Begayit lamb was presented to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Mekelle University, Mekelle with complaints of the distended abdomen, straining, discomfort, and lack of feces. Upon clinical examination, the case was diagnosed first as Atresia ani and after surgical intervention it was confirmed as Atresia ani et recti. Emergency surgery was conducted after proper restraining of the lamb, aseptic preparation, and administering local anesthesia in the perineal region. A circular skin incision was made on the bulge of the anus and patency of opening was maintained by the application of interrupted sutures. Then, the blind rectal pouch was incised and sutured to the skin (rectopexy) using absorbable polyglycolic acid 910 (vicryl) of size 2/0. Postoperatively, the anal opening/area was cleaned and lubricated with glycerin as well as oxytetracycline spray was applied to the wound area, and analgesic was administered intramuscularly for 3 days. After two weeks, the lamb’s defecation was improved and it recovered fully without any complication. Surgical correction of atresia ani et recti in local Begayit breed lamb was found suitable and successful management.


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